Where i was


Life in Kenya was (for me) a bittersweet experience. The country itself is breathtaking with such beautiful people and that is what made it so special.I was born in the Rift Valley,lived at the coast for a while but since I was ten I have been in the capital city,Nairobi I however remain a villager at heart.You can take a girl out of the village but not the village in the girl.
The best part of being in high school is the friends I made there.
Of course the precious memories we shared are currently being stored in a little book that I will one day publish as part of my memoirs.
Being in boarding school was tough at times but they were always there to support me and gave me a good kick when I needed it. We were very close :we were a family,,,gaza nkulu
That was is our name. Everyone knew everyone and we all tried to get along we still do, I do not know why I am saying it in past tense.

Do you stop being part of a family just because you are separated by distance?

The question of a villager in the diaspora…

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