villager goes to school

The night before the first day of school.
i fidgeted around quite unsettled due to anxiety.there would be so many things to get used to i.e
1.classrooms with no blackboards,,white and smart boards only.
2.teachers with a British accents menu that changes per week: in Kenyan public schools the stable lunch was either ugali(maize meal) or corn and beans(githeri)
4.uniform skirts that did not have to be 4 inches below the knee
5.waking up when the sun has risen:in boarding school sunrise would find already in class
Of course not to mention an influx of white people with black people being the minority.
There were many factors to consider should this educational experiment work.
so with my version of the uniform adorned, teeth brushed and rebrushed, I was almost ready for school.

The orange bus arrived at 7.10am.It took 45 minutes to get to school yet it felt like hours.I was sure that i had sweated out the few puffs of Dior perfume that i had 'borrowed'from my mother.I stepped out of the bus AND THERE IT WAS..INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY SCHOOL.
With Murphy's law in mind(anything that can go wrong will go wrong)i took my first step into uncharted waters,,,

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